AI Human Impact is an open, collaborative project in ethics, artificial intelligence, and finance. AI-intensive companies are profiled in human and ethical terms for investment purposes.

The model is traditional ESG investing, but updated for today's data economy. In both cases, human impacts are measured and analyzed alongside financial data. The difference is the evaluation criteria. Because ESG methods are fitted for the industrial economy, they miss digital opportunities and risks. AI Human Impact solves that problem.


More about ESG & AIHI  





Provide robust, explainable, real-time measures of AI-intensive companies’ ethical performance.

Provide an information advantage for investors. More knowledge equals better judgements, and AI Human Impact reveals how well an AI technology is functioning on the human level, as opposed to the purely technical or financial. (Reputational risk exposure is illuminated.)

Catalyze AI innovation by directing investment funding toward companies that will prove sustainably successful because their AI serves humans instead of conforming humanity to serve the machines.

Allow investors – including individuals managing their own finances – to act in accord with their own values.



Method: Frictionless AI Ethics


AI is employed to ethically evaluate AI-intensive companies. Just as natural language processing currently scours vast public information to produce corporate ESG ratings, so too machine learning can be adapted for the distinct criteria of digital-economy companies. AI applies AI ethics to AI, and the result is fast. objective understanding.

Supplementarily, a due diligence evaluation (draft here), and a behavioral evaluation may be employed to query companies directly about their human impact.


The challenge of AI applying AI ethics to AI